Defeat the Elite Four to get the National Dex from Professor Oak. Alternately, successfully complete your Sinnoh Pokedex by seeing all 150 Sinnoh region Pokemon. Note: They do not have to be captured. Then, go to Professor Rowan's lab and talk to him. Prof Oak will dash in and upgrade it.
Get the National Dex to access Pal Park on Route 221.

Go to Aspiration Lake to catch Agunomu.
Aipom will evolve into Ambipom when it levels up and knows the move Double Hit. Aipom learns Double Hit at level 32.
Have the Game Boy Advance game Pokemon Fire Red in the cartridge slot and search for Arbok at the Safari Game.
Found at Lake Valor after battling and capturing Dialga/Palkia.

To get Bonsly, you must trade it from Pokemon Pearl. Alternately, talk to the person in the Pokemon Mansion after you get the National Dex. A random rare Pokemon will appear every day. One of them may be Bonsly.
Defeat the Elite Four, and get the National Dex. Go to Spring Path, and go to the right. Go up, then go left where you can use Rock Climb. When you get down, there will be a hole. Go in and look around until you find Bronzor.
Have the Game Boy Advance game Pokemon Fire Red in the cartridge slot and search for Caterpie at Route 204 south.
Chingling will only evolve into Chimecho if it is happy with you and it levels up at night.
Have the Game Boy Advance game Pokemon Fire Red in the cartridge slot and search for Ekans at Route 212 south.
Have the Game Boy Advance game Pokemon Fire Red in the cartridge slot and search for Elekid in the Power Plant.
Meet at Trust Lake, then go to Shino and look in the grass. At random, a wild Emuritto will appear.
Have the Game Boy Advance game Pokemon Emerald in the cartridge slot and search for Gligar at Route 206.
Have the Game Boy Advance game Pokemon Fire Red in the cartridge slot and search for Gowlithe at Route 201 and Route 202.
Have any Game Boy Advance Pokemon game in the cartridge slot and search for Haunter at the Forest Mansion.
Go to Hard Mountain to catch Hiidoran.
Have the Game Boy Advance game Pokemon Leaf Green in the cartridge slot and search for Kakuna at Eterna Forest.
Meet at Full Moon Island, then go to Shino and look in the grass. At random, a wild Kureseria will appear.
Have the Game Boy Advance game Pokemon Sapphire in the cartridge slot and search for Lombre at Route 212 South and Route 229.
Have the Game Boy Advance game Pokemon Sapphire in the cartridge slot and search for Lotad at Route 203, Route 204, Route 205 north, and Route 212 south.
Riolu will only evolve into Lucario if it is happy with you and it levels up in the day time.
Go to the Pokemon Mansion. Go to the Trophy Garden. At random, a wild Pichu or Pikachu will appear. Pichu is between level 14 and 18, and Pikachu is between level 22 and 26. Pichu will only know Tail Whip, Charm, and some other status moves, but Pikachu has a variety.
Have the Game Boy Advance game Pokemon Emerald in the cartridge slot and search for Pineco at Route 203.
Have the Game Boy Advance game Pokemon Sapphire in the cartridge slot and search for Seviper at Route 208.
Go to Flower Elysim to catch Shemei.
Have the Game Boy Advance game Pokemon Emerald in the cartridge slot and search for Shuckle at Route 224.
Get some Dusk Balls, and go to Solaceon Town. Move west up the top, then enter the cave. Go inside and walk around. You will find lots of Unowns. One Dusk Ball should catch them without failure.
Uxie is found at Lake Acuity after battling and capturing Dialga/Palkia.
Only female Combees will evolve into Vespiquen. Male ones are pretty much useless.
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